pondělí 11. července 2016

Rally Bohemia 2016

Dovolte mi publikovat něco trošku jiného mež figurky. Ačkoli... V Mladé Boleslavi se konala Rally Bohemia 2016. Můj dobrý kamarád a spolužák Tomáš Kolda tam byl také. A nebyl sám. Měl svůj foťák a fotil auta.  Nejen auta. Navíc mi dovolil jeho fotografie zveřejnit i tady. Takže při troše dobré vůle se nakonec zase dostaneme k figurkám. Pin-ups... Hezké léto. 

Let me publish something different than figures. Although... There was hold Rally Bohemia 2016 in Mlada Boleslav. My good friend and classmate Tomas Kolda was there too. And he was not alone. He had his camera and took some pictures of the cars and.... Not only cars. He allowed me to publish his pictures here, too. So with a little bit of your good-will we will get back to figures. Pin-ups, right :-)...

Have a nice summer.

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