Kamarád Ivo Románek mě upozornil na tato videa s tím, že mě zároveň požádal o to, zda bych je nemohl uveřejnit na tomto blogu. Aby o nich vědělo co nejvíce lidí. Videa jsou to velmi povedená a doufám, že se vám budou líbit:
These videos were recommended me by my friend Ivo Romanek. Mr JC Cappeleetti shows there how to 'play with clay'. Well, how to sculpt but I believe sculpting is something very, very funny for everyone who has ever tried it once.
Sculpture in Clay - Class 02 - Likeness From Concept Drawing
3. - Drátěná (podpůrná) kostra
Sculpture in Clay - Class 04 - Rough Muscles
Sculpture in Clay - Class 05 - Smoothing Muscles
Sculpture in Clay - Class 07 - Sculpting a Likeness
Sculpture in Clay - Class 08 - Hair and Clothing
Sculpture in Clay - Class 09 - Finishing and Smoothing Techniques
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